Many followers of Christ don't feel they have the gift of evangelism. They picture public speaking, preaching in front of big crowds, and loudly proclaiming Jesus' name in a spotlight. God hasn't made everyone to be this kind of preacher. But, he has called everyone to be an evangelist, in their own way.
The secret to evangelism is living and witnessing by the power of the Lord. This means that sharing your faith is never a solitary act—the Holy Spirit is always with you, through both the difficult conversations and the joyful ones, through your triumphs and your failures. And when you win someone to Christ, it's the greatest joy. Your graduation is exciting. Your wedding day is exciting. Your first baby is exciting. But, the most thrilling thing you can ever do is to win someone to Christ.
However you spend your days—whether you are a student, an accountant, a mother, an executive—you have been called to share your faith and the Lord will open doors for you. The Bible says, "Whoever is faithful in a very little, is also faithful in much." Be faithful to the opportunities where you are right now, and amazing things will happen as you begin to reach your world.
Learn more about the basics of sharing your faith from Luis and Andrew Palau.