You helped make 2022 spectacular by sharing hope with millions of people. We’re thanking God for our amazing partners this week. Friends like you made it possible to reach more people with the Gospel than any other year, in the history of our ministry. You are a blessing!

Through 5 festivals and ongoing digital evangelism this year we’ve seen. . .

  • 1,850+ church partnerships

  • Over 350,000 people reached in person

  • Millions reached digitally

  • More than 26,400 responses to the Gospel in person

  • Over 2 million responses digitally

It’s been amazing! We are so grateful to God.

And God is giving us even more open doors in 2023…

  • Connecting seekers with local churches.

  • Training hundreds through our Global Network of Evangelists.

  • Radio and video campaigns delivered to millions worldwide!

  • Festivals in Costa Rica, Kenya, Uruguay, the U.S. and the UK.

  • Bringing the Gospel to the top 50 hardest-to-reach nations.

Your partnership enables us to take full advantage of these Kingdom opportunities.

Will you help more people meet Jesus in 2023?

The fruitful work of LPA can only be achieved through the committed support of people like you - giving generously and praying persistently.